potential adj. 1.可能的;【语法】可能语气的。 2.潜在的;有潜势的;【物理学】位的,势的。 3.〔罕用语〕有力的。 The seed is the potential flower and fruit. 种子是潜在的花和果实。 n. 1.可能(性);【语法】可能语气。 2.潜在力;潜势;【物理学】位,势;电势,电位。 partial potential 化学势。 adv. -ly 潜在地,有潜在可能性地。
production n. 1.生产,产生;【物理学】(粒子的)生成;制造;(电影的)摄制;(戏剧的)演出;著作。 2.产品,制品;作品;总产量;成果。 3.提出,提供,拿出。 4.【数学】延长(线)。 5.大事张罗,小题大做。 6.电影制片。 a means of production 生产资料。 full production 成批生产。 pre-production 试生产。 line production 流水作业法,连续作业法。 standard production 标准产额。 go [be put] into production 开始生产。 make a production of [out of] 对…小题大做。
Analysis of plant climatic production potential and it ' s restricting factors of 1 km2 grid of beijing mountain area 气候变暖对高寒草甸气候生产潜力的影响
The uplands of s . e . asia offer a presently partly unused , or inadequately used , agricultural production potential 东南亚旱地的农业生产潜力目前有一部分尚未挖掘或未充分挖掘。
In system development , a model suitable for evaluation of system design , performance , and production potential 在系统开发中,适用于系统设计、性能以及生产潜力评估的一种系统模型。
As an example , insight into northern china ' s production potential of corn and wheat has recently been gained 让我们以最近研究获得的一个例子,看一看中国北方玉米和小麦的生产潜力。
The housing bureau maintains a 13 - year programme of flat production potential to facilitate the planning and monitoring of housing production 房屋局实行一项13年的发展建屋潜力计划,用以规划及监察建屋情况。
Continual unbalanced fertilization practices degrade the soil resource base and create a downward spiral of less and less production potential 长时间的不平衡施肥措施是土壤资源退化,并产生一个生产潜力越来越低的恶性循环。
In this paper , the present situation and development trend of bioenergy world wide are briefly introduced and the biomass production potential of china in recent years and long terms is estimated 摘要本文介绍了国内外生物质能发展的现状与趋势,概述了我国生物质能源近期和远期的潜力。
The difference between average yields given in the china agricultural yearbook ( 1990 ) and those provided in the survey as average research yields , provided the data for national annual production potentials at 30 % 中国农业年鉴( 1990 )所载的平均产量与调查提供的平均研究产量之间的差距提供了30 %面积上总产量的潜力。
It is important to note that myr provides an estimate of the full production potential under local site conditions that can be translated into economically and environmentally realistic yield guidelines for farmers 要紧的是注意到最高产量研究提供一种估计,指导农民在当地条件下可转化为实际经济和生态产量的总产量潜势。
Emerson ' s scada system also provides a tool that forecasts the production potential for a predefined time period based on known factors , such as wind speed , wind direction and the condition of the turbine generator 艾默生的scada系统还提供了一个工具,在基于已知因素,例如风速、风向和涡轮发电机状况的基础上,预测预定时间内的发电潜力。